Wednesday, 25 September 2019

Handy tips for relocating internationally with children - Part 4

International Relocation
In the last blog of this 4-part mega-series, we shall talk about various steps you could take after you have moved with the help of one of the best international removal companies to assist your child in dealing with an international relocation from a psychological point of view. While taking measures such as keeping them occupied, asking your overseas packers and movers to pack their belongings last and unpacking them first, etc. could contribute towards helping them make the transition seamlessly after, the efforts would seem half-baked if the following steps are not taken.

Allow them to be angry

Kids are more likely to take time to adapt to change. And if the change is as sudden and drastic as it is after an international relocation, then your kids may very well feel quite angry about it. Now, this is absolutely normal. Even adults could often become very ill-tempered after an international relocation. Separation from friends and a familiar does invoke this kind of emotion. But remember that this behaviour won’t continue forever. Sooner or later, they will make new friends and adjust to their new environment. Just give them the time to adjust and don’t try to shut down their anger. In fact, releasing their pent-up emotions would only do good for them.

Anticipate regression

Some kids respond to a change in the situation with temporary regression. It is natural. Intense feelings about the relocation could result in sleep disruption, clinginess, change in appetite, etc. The key to dealing with this is to refrain from forcing them to adjust at your pace. Don’t rush them into the change. Let them take their time and they will eventually adjust. However, if this regression lasts beyond a few months, then check in with a pediatrician or a child psychologist. Just like your international movers and packers in India helped you make the physical transition smoothly, a child psychologist will help your kid make the psychological transition smoothly.

Stick to their daily routine

Maintaining old routines is one of the easier ways of making the transition to a new place smoothly. So provide continuity to your kids. Stick to the schedule that they have been following so far. If you are parents to a toddler, ensure that their bedtime doesn’t change. Aldo refrains from replacing their belongings with new ones unless they ask you to do so. If you had a dedicated game night every week at your previous residence, make sure that you do not miss it even once at your new residence irrespective of how occupied you may be.

Walk the talk

Merely saying that everything is fine won’t cut it with your kids. Children feed off your body language and the vibes you exude. So if you just say positive things to them without actually exuding positivity, it won’t do any good for your kids. Just like you expect your overseas removal company to walk the talk with regards to the commitments they made, your kids also expect the same from you. So it is imperative that you yourself adapt to the change quickly and have a positive frame of mind. If you fake your emotions, your kids will know that it is all an act.

These 4 tips conclude our series of blogs that laid out handy tips for relocating internationally with children. But hang on, we have another tip for you as a parting gift! If the relocation process is handled properly by best international movers, then the stress levels associated with an international relocation would come down drastically, not just for yourself but your family as well. So make sure you appoint one of the best international moving companies for the job. And one such service provider is Writer Relocations, who have spent more than 60 years in this industry and have assisted more than half a million families complete an international relocation smoothly and seamlessly. Get in touch with them to get accurate and affordable long distance moving quotes.

Handy tips for relocating internationally with children - Part 3

In the previous part of this 4-part series, we discussed ideas that you could implement, some with the assistance and cooperation of the best international movers like Writer Relocations, to make your international relocation easier for your children. In this 3rd part, we will touch upon a few more of such ideas, albeit, you won’t require any external assistance for these ones. So without further ado, let’s get down to business.

Relocate International with Childrens

Get them involved in some moving tasks

Most families tend to leave the kids out of all activities pertaining to the relocation. But getting them involved in the process would actually do more good than the former. Ask them to help you out with certain tasks. For instance, ask them to browse the internet to find out who the best providers of international moving services are. Ask them to help you declutter the house and get rid of the unwanted stuff so that you can submit an accurate estimate of the items that need to be carried to the international relocation companies in Mumbai or wherever you are currently based out of. This will not just keep them occupied but will also give them the gratification of doing something important.

Put them in charge of the moving sale

After you have identified the unwanted items that you are still holding, organise a moving sale so that you can get rid of them and leave as little as possible for the best international moving companies to carry and transport. But instead of planning and executing this sale, put your kids in charge of the task. You would, of course, need to provide them with assistance and guidance as they may require your help at certain tasks. Again, this would keep them occupied and take their mind off stressful thoughts. What would be even better is for you to have them decide where and how to use the sales proceeds. If they want a new fancy toy or a TV in their room, so be it! The objective of this activity is to get them invested in the ultimate goal of relocating to a different country.

Help them say goodbye

When we talk of a home relocation, unarguably the toughest thing for a child to do is bidding adieu to his or her friends. This can cause a lot of stress and anxiety to them. However, you can make bidding farewell a little bit easier for them by organising a ‘see you soon’ party. Host a get together with all your family, friends, your kids’ friends, neighbours, etc. Ensure that your child has a chance to say goodbye properly to everyone he or she is close to. Also ensure that you give all your kids’ friends your new contact details. Keeping in touch with old friends and maintaining these friendships is one of the biggest stress busters for kids. 

Get them acquainted with your new neighbours

We often assume that kids make friends on their own but this might be difficult for them when they find themselves in an alien environment. So make sure you help them take that first step towards forging new friendships. Get acquainted with your new neighbours and introduce your kids with them. Some of your neighbours would most likely have kids your child’s age. And these kids would most likely become your child’s new friends. Fostering new friends goes a long way in dealing with the pain of leaving behind old ones.

In the final part of this series, we shall discuss ideas that would help your children deal with the relocation from a psychological standpoint. And if you too want to deal with the situation better, hire companies such as Writer Relocations, who provide a host of international relocation services for home and office relocations; because if your move is executed properly, half your stress would be dealt with then and there! Stay tuned for the last part.

Handy tips for relocating internationally with children - Part 2

In the first part of this series, we discussed 3 tips for making an international relocation easier for your kids. In this second part, we will discuss 5 more such tips. Some of the ideas presented here may require assistance, or at least cooperation, from your overseas removal company. So make sure you hire professional international packers and movers for your move. 

Tell your kids how the new place is going to be like

If you have decided on moving to a new country, you would already have done your fair share of research about that place. Pass on all the relevant information to your kids. Tell them what the new place is like. Tell them about the climate there. Tell them about all the tourist attractions that you are going to visit there. Acquainting your kids with their new environment ensures to an extent that the change does not seem so sudden and drastic.

Pack their items last and unpack them first

Kids feel at ease when their favourite toys and their favourite belongings are around them. So ask your overseas movers and packers to pack their items after everything else is packed. Their room should be the last one to be touched. Also, make sure they have their favourite blanket and pillow with them during the flight. Instruct your international packers and movers Mumbai to not pack those items. When you reach your new apartment, unpack the kids’ boxes first and set up their room before the others.

Make plans about their room

Tell your kids that you want to plan their room at the new house. Ask them to help you plan it as you want the room to be just how your kids like. Ask them if they want their new room to be just like their current one or do they want to make some changes. If they choose the latter option, ask them about the type of changes they want to make. If they want some new furniture in their room, take them along when you go out furniture-shopping and give them the freedom to choose what they like. The excitement of a beautiful new room could very well nullify the stressful effects of an international relocation on your kids.

Enroll in a Language and Cultural Training programme with your kids

Some of the finest providers of international moving services, such as Writer Relocations, offer special language and cultural training programmes. If you have enrolled for such a programme, make sure that you also enrol your kids. After all, learning about the culture and language of the new country is as important for them as it is for you. This could also double as a unique family-bonding exercise. Goofing up on the pronunciation of certain words could well lead to peals of laughter!

Explore the new country you now call home

Once you reach your new home, and after the professional movers and packers have set up your belongings there, take some time out to visit the popular attractions of the new city. Exploring these monuments would, again, create an opportunity to enjoy some fun-filled family time. Also, the joy and positivity that such trips exude would relieve you and your kids of some of the stress of home moving.

This concludes the 2nd part of this mega-series. In the next part, we shall discuss some more ideas that could relieve your kids about the stress of an international relocation.

Handy tips for relocating internationally with children - Part 1

So the decision has been made. You have decided that it is best for you and your family to hire the services of international movers and packers in India and relocate to a new country, maybe for a better job, or to set up a business, or for education, or for any other plausible reason. But now comes one of the most difficult parts of international relocation, along with the task of identifying genuine overseas moving companies - informing your kids about the move and preparing them for it. Now, this is trickier than it seems. If you approach this the wrong way or mess up with the execution of your ideas on how to do it, it is very likely that your children may find it difficult to cope with the idea of a relocation and experience tremendous stress. If you want to avoid such a scenario, reading this series of blogs that will discuss some handy tips for moving internationally with your kids would be a great idea. So here’s presenting the first 3 of these tips.

Conduct a family meeting

Organise a family meeting, ideally with a sumptuous lunch or dinner. While you are having that delicious pizza, broach the topic of international relocation. Inform your kids about the reason(s) for your move. If you are moving because you have found a better job, tell your kids how excited you are about the opportunity. Convey your feelings about the move honestly and tell them how you think it will impact the family. Having a meaningful and honest dialogue with the kids is one of the most effective solutions for making the relocation easier for them.

Talk about your own moving experience

It is very likely that the impending relocation would be your kids’ first such experience. If they haven’t moved houses before, they will be confused about how to react to the situation. Their emotions may even overwhelm them. In such a scenario, it is important that you provide them with a sense of direction. Talking about your own relocation experience will do that with aplomb. Tell your kids about how you felt when you moved for the first time. Tell them how you dealt with it. Ideally, throw in some details about the whole process - like how your family planned the move, did you do it yourself or did you hire international relocation companies for the move, if you did hire professional movers and packers then how you go about finding them and how your experience was with them, etc. This conversation would help your kids to expect what is to come and deal with it better.

Encourage them to have a dialogue about how they feel

Kids may often be hesitant to talk about how they feel about the relocation. You would likely be very busy with the planning of the move and the execution of the hundreds of tasks associated with it. Kids may perceive this as a sign that you are unavailable for a dialogue and may shut themselves off. Irrespective of how occupied you may be, ensure that your kids do not harbour any such thoughts. Speak to them regularly and encourage them to open up about how they feel. If something is bugging them, you need to help them deal with it. And you can’t do that unless you find out what is bugging them. So have an open, heart-to-heart dialogue with them.

These 3 tips would contribute towards making the relocation easier for your kids. For making the relocation easier for your whole family, move with trusted providers of global moving services, such as Writer Relocations. In the next part of this series, we will discuss some other ideas for helping your kids relocate smoothly.